Multi-Award Winning Broker


Embark on a triumph of knowledge with TeleTrivia! Elevate your intellect, conquer challenges, and emerge victorious in the ultimate battle of wits. Join the quest for wisdom, fun, and glory with Bold Prime.

Our services provide a comprehensive range of trading requirements

Fast Deposit and Withdrawal

Seamless and Convenient Instantaneous Funds Deposit and Effortless Withdrawal Process

Various Trading Account

Reliable market execution with no  fees and commissions.


Prime Raw

Prime Platinum

cTrader Standard

cTrader ECN

Encryption and data security

Security first! Your information is protected, and your funds are held in separate accounts.

24/7 Customer Support

Schedule a callback or live chat response in under a minute.

Accounts for all

Available swap-free accounts. 0% commissions. Complete transaction history.

Trade anywhere with Bold Prime

Join us now to enjoy trading experience

Start trade with Bold Prime – get access to stock and metal markets. For efficient management in trading.